1950s Nylon Stockings Pics How Do You Clean 1950s Fake Fur?

How do you clean 1950s fake fur? - 1950s nylon stockings pics

Nylon, not dry clean


eskie lover said...

You're right, not dry cleaned, because chemicals are too high and can literally melt the fibers. Been there, done that.

Here is what I do. First, use the brush for a vacuum and suck dirt and dust from the surface. Secondly, the clean soil. You can use the carpet cleaner or upholstery, I do find it difficult either nylon (to find cheap usually in the shops of the soil), Foley (simply in the shops and home renovation can be used) or any other for many other applications do not sparkling clean carpets or furniture. Normally, the water sector, are working on the stain and blot with a clean cloth. I use a dryer when I'm done with the fuzz from the skin. Another track that spraying the synthetic skin with tape to avoid future stains and a clean environmentMinimum.

PS I do not recommend to the machine either. I destroyed a fur collar in a year trying to wash in Woolite on a gentle cycle. The material was sewn apart and it was a kind of stick on the inside just a ball on one end.

guysmith... said...

a damp cloth to clean and dirty equipment can lead to rot.

o2bamy25 said...

Dry Cleaning.

parsonse... said...

Need a furrier and clean it for you.

♥Jules♥ said...

Very carefully!

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